Saturday, 22 November 2014

Double Page Spread

The double page spread presents the main feature article of the magazine. The double page purpose is to sell a primary feature of the magazine. The double page spread works together with the front cover as a peice of art and to sell the magazine. In music magazines the double page usually promotes a certain artists or band.

Main Image
The image used is usually direct address, to entices the reader to buy the magazine, as the artist in the magazine is making eye contact with the reader. The main image dominates half of the page on most double page spread, as the page is seen an artwork to sell the magazine. The main image relates to the front image of the magazine. They both will present the same theme and artist, however the pictures should be taken in a different way, whether it be the camera angle or the artist posing differently. Other smaller images usually anchor around the text, to add colour and variation to the page.
Sometimes the image bleeds over the whole page, although this is not in every music magazine, it is relatively common. The picture on the double page spread always relates to the article and the artist and are ascetically pleasing.
The double page spread includes by-lines, which are put under the images to give credit to the photographer and writer.

The headline grabs the attention of the reader, and entices the reader to study the article. The headline is usually the largest text on the double page spread, the headline states a quote, or slogan that appeals to the reader. The head line is usually catchy and summarises the main story of the article. The head line usually posesses different font types and colours to attract the reader. As the double page spread is seen more as artwork for the magazine, different font sizes and styles are encouraged, as they will make the page seem more ascetically pleasing. The head line is usually placed in the middle or at the top of the page, as this is where the audience's attention will be drawn. The headline will relate to the masthead and some magazines quote a certain artist and use a relevant quote from an interveiw to display as the headline. The headline that is used for the double page spread are always short, this is so it makes the reader intrigued.

Colour Scheme
The colour scheme of the double page spread reflects a certain genre of the article and the whole magazine. The colour scheme of the double page spread attracts the reader to the article. Designers will use colours that contrast well together so that the reader is able to study the magazine with ease. Fonts on the double page spread are usually set in different colours according to the colour scheme, oull quotes are usually set in different colours so that the stand out from the other context text. The colour scheme should relate to the article, and the story. The colour scheme on the double page spread should follow a similiar colour scheme to the main image and contents page, as the magazine should have some fluency, inorder for the magazine to appear professional and official. The magazine will sell efficiently and effectivley.

Pull Quotes
A pull quote brings visual power to the page, it is a display element used to attract the audience, and to break up long sections of text. Pull quotes attract the reader, the quotes that are emphasised are usually the most shocking, exciting, and interesting parts of the article. This effectivley sells the article and the magazine, as it entices the reader to read more of the artcle and study it in more detail.
Pull quotes are used since audience do not read but scan the magazine, pull quotes provide the reader with some focus and fixes their attention to the most important part of the magazine.
Pull quote are set in different font styles and colours, so that they are visible and appeal to the reader. The pull quotes make the double page seem more interesting and adds layout and differentiation to the article. As a visual element, they have to be instantly recognisable and different from the rest of the text on the page. The size, colour and texture of the pull quotes has to be different front the surrounding text.
There is no rule how long or bid pull quotes have to be. It all depends on the other elements on the page. When creating pull quotes they should at least have several words.

The double page spread uses various different font types to appeal to the reader. The header usually constists of different font types and colours as it is the largest text in the article, and as to stand out and grasp the attention of the reader. If a double page spread were to use one font type and a consistent colour through out, it will not be as effective and may not appeal to th reader, causing the article not to sell efficiently.
The text is usually layed out and sorted in a random way, text parins may adjust the page image, and anchor images. This makes the magazine appear proffessional and artistic which may appeal to the reader. Text used for the context of the magazine, usually set in 11 pt, and easy to read for the reader, the font is set in serif, as it is simple and easier for the audience to read.

Stand first
A stand first is the introduction to the article it's self, it is found on the double page spread as it is the introduction before the main body text. It normally states what the article includes, usually talking about the artist/band, or relates to the main body text before the audience read it.

Main body text
The main body text contains the information of the article. The text is usually distrubtuted to one half of the double page spread and set out in columns, so the page appears more structured and organised. Columns are mainly set out into 3 or 4, depending on the contents of the double page spread. The columns are there to separate the main body text so it is not clumped together, it also gives a paragraph or sentence space from the previous. The main body text sometimes flows into columns or justified as paragraphs and pictures are floated from the main body and anchored by text. The main body will relate to the main image and header, and include information that will appear to the reader. Some articles in music magazines include interviews of the artist featured on the double page spread and front page. The main body vocabulary is informal and relates to the reader. Main body text must avoid being boring and tedious, as the reader may lose interest and not finish the article. The body text is usually typeset in serif font, as these are perceived as more readable for text in dense blocks, whilst sans serif is used for the adjacent headings. The article is written in informal mode of address therefore it relaxes the reader.

Drop Capital 
A drop capital is important for introducing the start of the article for the double page. The very first paragraph uses a massive Drop capital, as the introducing letter. They can vary in size, but normally drop down to 8/9 lines.

The caption includes information that backs up smaller images on the page. Captions also accompanies the main image on the page to explain to the audience what they are looking at. The captions usually very simple, and tells the reader where the photo was taken, and more information on the certain area and what is happening. Captions with too much information tend to drag the audience away from the main body text, which is meant to be the real focus.

The gutter is the space between columns. It usually separates columns using a thin vertical line, to clearly show the divide between the columns.

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