The contents page of a magazine's purpose is to inform the reader on what articles are featured in the magazine, the contents page navigates the reader throughout the magazine, as it lists all of the article titles, with labelled page numbers. The contents page conventions purpose are the same, however some of the conventions differ and some new conventions are added. Thye main focus of a contents
The layout of the contents page is set out up to 3 or 4 columns, in order for the audience to read the contents page, the columns should be set out in a clear and an organised layout and structure. If the structure and layout of the magazine is sloppy and messy, it can cause difficulties for the audience to read the magazine. The contents page is a very important page in the magazine and must be clear enough to understand, for the reader.
Main Image / Other Images.
On the contents page there is usually one main image, relating the feature article. The main image is usually the biggest image on the page, and relates to the main image featured on the front cover. The main image is used to frame the contents page, and the text is anchored around the main image, to connote the main image's importance.
The other images are usually smaller than the main image, and again are anchored in and around the text. The images are usually located close to the appropriate text which desribes them, this gives more visual information to the reader before the reader actually reads the article. Images are placed on the contents to add colour and more information. It also makes the page more interesting to read, and more aesthetically pleasing. However designers do not overcrowd the page with images as, the purpose for the contents page is to navigate the reader through out the magazine. The images are used to tease the reader, so the reader wants to read further. These images usually have anchorage text or page numbers on them to show where abouts in the issue they relate to.
The mast head usually states 'CONTENTS', to address to the reader what the page is about. The masthead is the biggest font type on the page, as it the most important title, as the readers are able to understand the purpose of the page. The bold masthead draws the readers attention to the page, therefor causing the reader to study the page in depth. The masthead font type should be large and contrast to the background / background image. The font type should be similiar if not the same as the masthead, to convey the relationship between the two pages and adds fluency through out the magazine, which makes the magazine appear official and sophisticated. The masthead consists of one word, 'CONTENTS', as this is easier for the audience to understand and read. One-worded mastheads are more effective at drawing the audience's attention.
Sublines are used to give more specific detail about what the articles are about, these sublines are usually in small font, usually 11pt. They usually categorise the contents page, into sections. The contents page is categorised, into differnt sections to portray is more organised layout, so it is easier for the reader to navigate around the page, and for the reader to find specific articles efficiently. There are usually more than two catergories on the contents pages, such as 'feautures', 'interveiws', and the 'cover story'. This makes it easier for the reader to read the contents page, as it gives the page a sense of order, structure and layout.
Colour Scheme.
The colour scheme is a crucial convention of the magazine as it appeals to the audience. The contents page should be clear to read as it is important page as it navigates the audience through out the magazine. The contents page usually follows the same colour scheme as the front cover, to present fluency, inorder for the magazine to appear official and sophisticated. The more fluent the colour scheme, the more appealing the magazine will appear.
The logo is placed next to the masthead. The logo is important as it advertises the brand effectivley and efficiently as the audience will recognise the logo due to its unique design and colour scheme. The logo emphasizes the magazine brand and purpose of the magazine. It is placed next to the masthead as they both present the magazine and its purpose, the masthead is also one of the first things the reader comes across.
The typography is important regarding a magazine contents page, as the contents page focus is to inform the reader on the articles of the magazine. The text has to be easy to read, for the audience. In order for the text to be clear and visible, the designer of the magazine has to follow the rules of typography which include kerning, leading and appropriate font type.
The features that are listed on a contents page, categorise the articles so the reader can find certain stories with out delay. The feature headings are set in different font types from the rest of the text. The font size will also be slightly larger than the normal text, to again show the importance of the features, the use of different font colours for the features, draws the readers attention and adds colour to the contents page, making the page more enganging to the audience. The different font and font colours make a contents page thought-provoking and enjoyable for the reader to study. When designing my magazine I will be sure to use an appropriate amount of different fonts and font covers to make my magazine action-packed, and captivating.
The largest font on the contents page is usually the masthead, as it is the most important title of the page. Sans serif is usually the font type used when creating the masthead and larger titles. The font size is very important on contents pages as, the larger the font type the more important it appears to the reader. Larger titles are usually set in bold to exagerate their importance, and to attract the readers attention.
Advertising is used and applied to the contents page, as the reader may want to buy the next issue of the magazine, after reading it once. The advert usually promotes the next issue, and gives the audience a preveiw of the front cover of the next issue. The advert may include deals on subscription fees and payments. This is to atrract the reader, so that the company's audience expands and the magazine becomes more popular and successful. The advertising also includes the companies social media sites and contact information, this enables the audience to contact the company for any enquiries that they may have. To attract the reader the colours of the advert must contrast against each other and stand out. However the advert should not take the focus from the rest of the magazine.
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