The front cover of any magazine is the most crucial part to selling a magazine brand. The front cover of a music magazine has to appeal to their audience and follow the type of genre of the previous issues. The front covers usually present an artist from the music industry, different types of genres will show an artist that relates to the genre of the magazine, for example a hip-hop magazine will show an image of a hip-hop artist as the main image of the front cover.
Each new issue of a music magazine has to be different, from the previous, however still recognisable to their audience. The magazine logo will remain exactly the same, in position and size, however the colour scheme may alter due to the featured artist or theme. This occurs to make the magazine seem new and fresh to their audience. So what conventions make a magazine successful and appeal to a certain audience ?
The Main Image.
The main image is the most important image of the whole magazine, as it attracts and draws the attention of the reader. The main image should be centred, so there is room for tag and sell lines. It is usually and image of an artist, usually from the waist and up. The main image should relate to the main article of the magazine. The image should usually fill up most of the the page and used as a background for the text. The image should follow a colour scheme, as this makes the front cover eye catching and attracts the audience to read the magazine. The quality of the main image should be high as it makes the magazine front cover appear professional and official. The artist will usually be looking into the camera, as it creates eye contact with the audience. The artist is usually very famous and will have a story dedicated to them in the magazine. The artist must be current with in the music scene as it will, offer as better story, which will attract the reader.
The Mast Head.
The mast head is usually located at the top of the magazine, because of the 'Z' rule. As the masthead/title is the main title of the magazine, it is the first thing the audience will read, this is important as the mast head suggests the genre of the magazine and what articles will shall be featured . The masthead needs to be presented in a way that makes it stand out from the other competitors on the shelves. The masthead needs to be unique, and familiar so it is recognisable to the regular audience. Mastheads differ from a range of font styles and colours, to portray the type of magazine they are selling, whether it be a fashion magazine, music magazine, or gossip magazine.

Music magazines differ in font styles as there are different types of genres of music magazine. Where as fashion magazines and gossip magazines have similar font styles, as they convey a certain genre. Fashion magazines use a sleek and sophisticated font style, such as Vogue and Company magazine.
The masthead is the largest font on the front cover to show that it is the main title of the magazine. The masthead must be easy to read and understand. A magazine should have a catchy masthead, in order for the audience to remember and recognise the magazine. Magazines usually have a one-word title/masthead, as it again, is easy to remember, and stands out as it attracts the audience. One-word mastheads are effective as the audience is more likely to remember a single title rather than a long detailed title.
The importance of a Logo.
All music magazines and other magazines types, possess a unique logo. Logos are important as they enable the audience to identify the magazine. Logos ensure that the audience can easily notice the magazine by the logo. The distribution of the logo on the front cover is important and should stay in the same location in new issues, as it makes the magazine more recognisable when in stores. The logo is an extremely important aspect of business branding. As it is the company's statement graphic representation. Essentially the logo is the first thing a reader notices, before reading any further text, this is why the logo should demand the attention of the audience. Logos are used to help the company have identity, as the primary functions of a logo are to inspire recognition of the brand. The logo has to be memorable and timeless, and favoured by the audience in order for the brand to sell effectively.
Typography is the art of text, and arranging type in order for language to be visible and clear. Typography is a crucial part of the conventions of a magazine. Eye catching font is the one of the first things the audience will notice. The arrangement type involves, font type, font size, line length, leading and kerning. The arrangement of text is extremely important when creating any magazine, as using the correct arrangement can potentially make the magazine appear more official and professional. The font has to be easy to read, most magazines use serif fonts as they are easy to read and eye-catching.
Sell/Tag Line.
The sell lines are usually placed above or below the mast head. They describe to the reader what the magazine features and some information on the issue. The purpose of a sell line is to promote the magazine by advertising the exclusive articles the magazine includes. he sell line uses exciting vocabulary, such as "Exclusive", and "Special Edition". The sell line usually addresses the reader by using second person narrative which addresses the reader. This is effective as it draws the audience's attention, and gives a personal sense of urgency, propelling the story—and the reader—forward.
Main Cover Line.
The main cover line is smaller than the masthead, however bigger than the usual cover line. the main cover line promotes the main story of the magazine and usually relates to the main image's story. The font cover is the same as the cover lines, however the main cover line is the biggest type face, besides the Mast head, on the front cover. The main cover line is meant to be in bold in order to catch the attention of the reader's eye.
After reading the mast head, the reader's attention will draw to the main cover line as it is the next biggest typeface, and is usually the same colour of the masthead. The main cover line should stand out clearly as it promotes the main story and image of the magazine.
Cover Lines.
Cover lines are short statements found in the outer thirds on a cover magazine, of a magazine. The cover lines allude or describe the magazine, and promote the articles inside the magazine, to draw the
readers attention, and entice the reader to pick up and buying the magazine.
Today, for most consumer magazines, cover lines are a crucial part of the conventions, and news-stand sales. Magazine companies often keep track of which cover lines sold more issues and then try to replicate they're success, by either repeating cover lines or adjusting them in order to gain the familiar success. As a designer there is often a constant battle between using the correct elements of a magazine in order to come out with a good design and having to use elements which appeal to news-stand buyers and public audiences.
Colour Scheme.
When designing a front cover, paying attention to the colour schemes extremely important. If a front cover has a certain colour scheme, it can potentially make the magazine appear official and professional. The colour scheme helps add a certain type of atmosphere and genre the magazine is trying to portray, when considering music magazines, a certain colour scheme is used to portray the type of musical genre, and targets a certain type of audience. Colour schemes, determine a certain type target audience, with in all magazines. The audience is categorised into niche audiences that find different genres, and in which case, colour schemes appealing. This is why colour schemes are important and used carefully, as the type of company want to attract a certain type of audience.
Colour schemes also fit with a certain theme the magazine is trying to convey. Fonts are a certain colour, as they may fit with the colour of the main image. Colour schemes are also used to create a contrast on the page, the contrast of colours will demand the attention of the reader, as it stands out amongst the other magazines.
The strip is located along the bottoms and the top of the magazine, containing a list of items which feature in the magazine. This conveys that the magazine is full of interesting stories sand the audience is getting the value for their money.
Bar code.
The bar code is usually placed at the bottom of the magazine, as this is the last place where the reader will look. Bar codes do not contribute to the purpose or theme of the design of the magazine, bar codes are just a way of transferring data. Bar codes provide a a way of tracking and storing information about goods, from individual items to large stocks. They serve an important role and provide advantages compared with manually entering information. When designing my magazine i will place the barcode at the bottom of the magazine, as this follows the 'Z' method, norder for my mgazine to be successful.
The conventions of a front cover should be followed, in order for the magazine to sell effectively. The conventions, structure a magazine and make the front cover appealing and clear to the audience. If a magazine does not follow the conventions or follows the conventions poorly, it can effect they way the audience observes the front cover.