Tuesday 24 February 2015


The media institution that I think is the appropriate for my magazine, is IPC media. I have chosen IPC media, as I have presented in my short film, NME is sold for £2.00, this is very similiar to my magazine, and I feel that NME has gained much success, due to its other social media connected sites, this ensures that my magazine has potential to become very successful. Bauer media already produces many music magazines such as Kerrang and Q, which are both very similar to my magazine, I feel that my magazine will be over looked if it was to be published by Bauer media and their would be great compitition between my brand and other magazines promoting the same genre of music, IPC media only publishes NME, as a music magazine. IPC media would give my magazine greater opportunities to ensure that my magazine is successful, and gains a high readership. They are currently one of the leading media institutions in the UK alone, and up to 26 million adults read a magazine published buy IPC media. My magazine, being aimed at mostly aimed at teenagers and adults, has a higher chance of being successful in the media, and to my target audience. IPC media offers its products to be published over a wide range of media including online issues, this will ensure that my audience grows, and encourages a younger audience to keep up to date with technology, whilst also attracting the younger part of my audience ages, 17 - 23, who are spending most of their time online.
IPC media's distribution methods will allow my magazine to appeal to all ages of my audience, especially as my target audience are young and spend most of their time online, the use of an online issue will be very convenient for my brand.

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