How did you attract/ address your target audience ?
When creating my magazine, I made sure that I attracted my target audience by including bands and other promotions and adverts that would appeal to my audience. On my front cover I included famous indie bands like Wolf Alice and Maximo Park. I also used large fonts so that my audience will notice the famous bands and be attracted to buy my magazine. On the front cover i have included adverts such as 'Free Posters', to attract my audience, as they may be interested in free posters and other gifts inside my magazine. Similarly on my contents page i have included an advert for a new album to appeal to my audience, as my audience are interested in new music and releases. Through out my magazine i have used colloquial language to, attract my audience. Using relaxed language makes my magazine easier to read. My magazine is written in an informal way, to relate and appeal to my young audience of ages 17 - 25.

When choosing my model for my magazine, I wanted to choose someone who had a similar style to my target audience. My friend Jess, has a very unique style which relates to my target audience. Jess' style is inspired by 90's grunge and is very appealing to my target audience. Jess has many piercings and has an interesting contemporary style. Jess' style also relates to other female indie artists who are very successful in the music industry such as Sky Ferraira and Lana Del Rey. Therefore using Jess as my main character for my magazine allows my audience to be interested by her image and style, meaning that more of my audience will be intrigued by the issue, and want to buy the magazine to read more. This 'indie', 'hipster', style is very popular to my target audience, as the audience like to discover new unique styles and music. My target audience, are a little abstract and unique, in contrast to mainstream fans, of pop and hip - hop music, my magazine presents a unique style which will appeal to indie hipster audiences, and make them want to buy the magazine.

When considering the conventions of my magazine i have used a fluent colour scheme, which is aesthetically pleasing to the audience. The text in my magazine is easy to read, and my magazine presents a constant font theme throughout out. I have created a logo which audiences will be able to recognise as it is unique and different, the large "K", will be recognisable to the reader when the magazine is released in superstores.
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