Through annotating and analysing indie music magazines i have discovered that female artists are rarely featured as the main article and image. The indie music industry is mostly dominated by male artists, and bands. Most indie/rock bands consist of males, thus turning the indie music genre into a masculine related genre. Magazines, such as NME, and Kerrang rarely release issues that focus mostly on female artists. It is apparent that females are more successful in the pop industry as the are mostly used as sex objects, and more likely to be modelled into a star image. Females in the music industry, are expected to behave in a certain way, like wearing minimal amounts of clothing, and singing pop songs, with out a band. As the indie genre is mostly male dominated i have decided to test the conventions, and use a female artist as my main image, and article story. I believe that this idea could work well as it is interesting and refreshing. Firstly i have looked into some female artists that are current in the indie music scene. I have studied their attitude and dress style, and i have also looked in to some indie magazines that have featured females artists.
Haim is an American pop rock band from Los Angeles, California. The band consists of three sisters Este, Danielle and Alana Haim, and drummer Dash Hutton. Haim have become very popular with in the indie music scene. I am looking into the band to gather some ideas on how I would like to present my artist/band, as my magazine will be mostly female dominated. I have found an issue from NME, featuring the band Haim, the three females seem to be acting in a fun, playful way. It can be argued that they may not be acting feminine, like a typical girl band would be in a pop magazine or celebrity gossip magazines. The artists are wearing appropriate amounts of clothing, the band are posing in a manner which is not classed has prevocative or erotic, which is often classed as "feminine". The artists clothing style is laid back and casual, but still fairly feminine, as for the long hair, and skirts. It can be suggested that the band are targeted both genders, just like other bands that are featured in NME and other similar magazines. After looking at some more images of the band, I have gathered the style and image that they portray. I am going to influence my artist/band's style on Haim's style, combined with other fashion icons, or music icons, popular in the industry. In order for my magazine to be successful, I must be aware of current styles which are popular to audiences now. The more current my artists/band appear the more likely my magazine is to sell.
Typical Female Roles in the Pop Industry

Female artists in the pop industry tend to succeed through their image more than their actual talent. Most female artists wear minimal amounts of clothing in photoshoots and music videos, so that they will become more successful. Sexually appealing imagery in advertising helps to sell helps to sell a particular product or service, in which case, the artists wants to sell music and merchandise. Fanous females to "sell sex", include, Miley Cyrus, Lady Ga Ga, and Rhianna, all of which are involved highly in the pop music industry. In the pop industry it can be argued that, to wear little clothing means that the music will sell more effectively, and the target audience increases. The more attractive the audience find the artist, the more successful the artist will become.
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