Thursday 1 January 2015



Which name do you prefer for an Indie/Alternative Music magazine?

  • ·      Decades
  • ·      Digital
  • ·      Interzone
  • Reflektor

Which colour scheme do you feel is the most appropriate to be associated with my chosen genre?

  • ·      Black, Red, and Gold
  • ·      Silver, Red and Black
  • ·      Blue, White and Black

  • Would it interest you if my magazine included adverts for upcoming gigs?
  •  ·      Yes

  • ·      No

How much would you be willing to pay for my magazine?(my magazine will be published monthly) 

  • ·      £3.00
  • ·      £3.59
  • ·      £4.00
  • ·      £4.59

Would you like it if the magazine offered a free recommended single, appropriate to the genre of the magazine?

  • ·      Yes
  • ·      No

Do you think my magazine should have competitions for concerts and gigs?

  • ·      Yes
  • ·      No
  • ·      Any other competitions, please specify: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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